Unbelievable! It has been so long since I posted a real post. I have been so busy I have neglected my blog. My last post I was getting ready to hop on a plane to Vegas and see my father who was in complete liver failure. I am so glad I did go. He is actually doing so much better. He still has a ways to go. There are a lot of lifestyle changes to adhere to. But, everyday he has gotten stronger :o) I am so relieved about this. He is actually going back to work on the 9
th of Feb. Thanks for all of the kind words and prayers. They really helped him, and me.
One really great outcome from my trip was my 2 almost 3 year old is no longer nursing...woo-
hoo!! I was so done a long time ago but had no idea how to nip it in the bud. Well taking a trip for 6 days was the way to go. I am loving my freedom again!!
I have also been busy sewing and filling orders. Things have picked up for me a little bit, which is great. As some of you may remember I re-did my website a few months back....well, I am re-doing it again. At some point my blog will be moving as well. I will be using
Wordpress for the both of them. That way they are integrated..which is what I wanted all along. Lets hope I stick with this and don't change my mind..AGAIN! ;o) I'll let ya know when I have everything done on the other site.
We have also re-homed our beloved boxer doggies :( This was such a hard decision(it took a year). But my son Devin is allergic to them and we think he Severe Eczema is so severe due to the dogs. He has had Eczema since he was 5 mos., as well as a lot of Food Allergies, and Asthma.
His Eczema got worse after we got dogs...DUH! Of course we didn't know cause of all of the foods we have found he is allergic to. I do hope this helps him. It's horrible to be so itchy all the time. I have to say he is itching a little bit less so far.
Here are some pics of some of the items I have made lately.
Custom crayon rolls:
Vinyl Lined
Vinyl Lined
Bag & Matching Coffee Cup Cozy:
New fabrics from
Hancock's of Puducah. Heather Bailey for $3.98 a yard..STEAL!!
Hope you enjoyed my pics. I am working hard on items for my shop so expect to see more soon!